Right now, I have three children asleep in bed. The little tiniest one is in a crib, sucking her thumb, holding her blankie. Her little curls sprawled out on the pillow that seems much too big for her body. The other two are in the same twin bed, most likely spooned together and sweaty. This has become the new habit—to sleep in the same bed, because they are just tooooo scaaaared to sleep alone. I love watching my children when they're asleep.
Across the span of states, in a hospital bed in Denver, my sister lays with her newborn son next to her. A mess of new curls atop his tiny head. Bodies tired from the trauma of bringing new life into the world. Congratulations, Chris and Kara!!!
The bed I sleep in was a gift from my parents. Jake and I had been home from our honeymoon for a day when we were driving a U-Haul back to my parents’ house to load it up. A couple miles from my parents’ house we spotted a couch on the side of the road, with a sign on it that said, “Free.” Well, of course, we pulled the U-Haul over and opened up the back and with grunts and sweat, loaded it in. Much to our happiness, it turned out to have a pull-out bed. (We did not own much of anything besides our new dishes and linens—especially a bed!) Do you know what kinds of couch-beds are free on the side of the road? Well, that’s the kind we got! When my parents came to visit their newlywed daughter, they had to go to a shady part of town. Then when they sat down on the old nasty couch and realized that for the past six months, every night this couch was pulled out and slept on, well, something had to be done. The next day, we were trying out new mattresses at a store that delivers the same day. I don’t think there’s a night that goes by that I don’t say “…I’m thankful for my bed” in my prayers. After 10 years, we actually really need a new mattress, but I’ll take this worn out bed any day over that old Hide-A-Bed.
Today is my brother’s birthday—happy birthday, Caleb! He will sleep in his bed in a great apartment in Arizona with a view of a pool. People, please remember that you are not alone in a pool that has windows looking onto it from people’s apartments. You’d be surprised what goes on in those pools. Or maybe I’m just naive.
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The tree mural behind this bed was absolutely lovely...like sleeping in a forest every night. Your descriptions of how your children sleep tugged at me. This is truly one of my favorite times of day as well, everyone tucked in, quiet, and dreaming away. Great post...
You painted that wall didn't you? Dang...I wish you lived closer. I would pay you to use your talents to make my house beautiful!
By the way, do remember Hawaii and playing Little Mermaid at the beach and running through the sprinklers at the golf course? Just a few of my favorite memories of our time together.
Tori: Yes, I painted that. I wish we lived closer too. of course I remember, how could I forget? Okay, I know, I forget most things, but those things I remember. In fact, I have a picture on my fridge right now of my family and you and Ted in one of the condos in Hawaii. Ahh. Good times. "...Stranded at the drive in..."
I will NOT tell you what I found floating our apartment pool previous to where we now live...and yes, people are always watching. I mean, not us, that would be creepy...totally.
Congrats to all the happy goings on in your family (including the sweet sleeping children)!
That's weird, someone sang that "stranded at the drive-in song to me today" ...so weird!
Another great post - I love reading what you write! The photo is great. Nice looking retreat bed. I honestly haven't had time to come up with a bed themed post - I guess I missed out. I like yours though!
I love the pull-out bed story...too funny! The description of your children sleeping is beautiful...too cute!
I also love the tree mural behind your bed - what a great job! I am absolutely in love with trees and paint them almost obsessively. A beautiful post!!
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