Obviously I’m not the best at capturing myself in literal enclosed spaces. But doesn’t walking into a room to see permanent marker all over the wall, carpet and bedding and putting your rage into an enclosed space so you don’t keep your two year old from making it to three count? Well, I’m counting it.
My sister tells me that Paul Mitchell aerosol hairspray works. This will be an interesting science experiment—I’ll let you know if it works.
For more self portraits in enclosed spaces, click here.
Side note: my youngest sister is now entering the world of Blog. I’m excited to keep up with her in a different way—the bloggie way. I refer to her and her husband as “the beautiful people.”

Oh my-I hope the hairspray works.
Have you ever used magic sponge? I have heard it removes crayon-maybe it will remove marker too.
Like the sp.
Ya, Kara got that tip from me :) I've been the victim of toddler graffi many a time and I swear by that Paul Mitchell hair spray. It has taken permanent marker off of my dining room table, my wood banisters, walls and my computer screen. Bedding...not so sure about that one. Good luck!
Sorry...meant to say toddler GRAFFITI ... not sure what graffi is :)
I once had that happen right before my family was all coming for Christmas. It was in a few places on one wall so rather than worrying about trying to clean it off or repainting before company came, I hung up two empty picture frames and it was our art for a few weeks. Once the holidays were over I repainted. I just couldn't let it stress me out...
Thea, good idea--I'll get one of those magic things...and the hairspray...and some bleach...
Clairissa, where in the world did you hear of such a fascinating stain remover??
tori, I think that is a hilarious and perfectly wonderful way to handle that situation. You're so great.
Sarah, oh, my--thanks! I kinda thought this was a wacky picture, but I'll gladly take the compliment if someone wants to tell me I'm pretty!:)
Sarah is right - you are a pretty girl!!
Oh my! Your look is priceless :) They look like a gorgeous couple.
I just love the look on your face :) It tells of your patience and that your priorities lie in the right places....such a good moma :)
hope the hairspray works!!!
hugs xxx darlene
I think I found it online...I remember finding marker on something in my house and thinking...I think I'll google cleaning up marker on wood - and that's what it popped up with. Other hairspray may work, but the Paul Mitchell is just what I had on hand and it happened to work perfectly. I think it has something to do with the alcohol content.
I've since solved other stain issues by "google-ing" them. You can find anything on google :)
Permanent marker has been the bain of my child rearing years.... 2 of my 3 have now used them to draw on every imaginable surface of our house... From walls to floors, to the inside of the dishwasher, to the screen or my monitor and my keyboard.... dependig on the surface they will come off... but if its porous at all... just get some paint. I am so sorry!!! The joys of kids eh?
ARGGHHHH! Cole is driving me nuts too! When Emily did this as a child we REPAINTED. No kidding. Sorry.
Love ya -hope you make it through.
Hi Miss Britnay, its Vanessa Brown! How are you, this is such a fun webpage, beautiful pictures. Your house is so pretty, I don't think I ever saw it. I Hope you are doing well. I have a page on myspace www.myspace.com/mommyvanessa but I would love to have a blog like this, is it hard to set up? Hope you are having a great summer!
I thought that was so random that you were going to try Paul Mitchell hairspray, and then I realized you meant on the wall! Oh Geez.
Okay, girls, Update: The hairspray worked on the little chair that I didn't mention, but it was all over it, and it's an aborable chair! It wasn't Paul mitchell, it was...I don't remember--the brand that I had on hand that my mother uses. But it was aresol.
THe magic eraser worked on the wall, although you can see the old paint a little bit now.
Resolve carpet cleaner worked on the carpet, and I haven't figured out the little white coverlet yet. It says Do Not Bleach, so I'll have to see how a tide stick works...
and, Hi, Vanessa! Welcome. It's good to hear from you. This whole blog thing is pretty easy. feel free to email me (its in my profile) if you have any questions, and then be sure and let me know what your address is.
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