My throat hurts. I am in a bad mood. I have been taking care of sick people for a month straight and have avoided catching it the whole time. I have one child in grade school, one in preschool and one in the nursery at church. Do you understand what this means? Let me tell you…….
One drink at the drinking fountain can do us in for a month! One child sucking on the plastic food, pretending to eat a germ-covered French fry, can just about make us bed ridden. One energy-filled little boy, chasing another can end up getting coughed on, and there you have it—the sickies are spread. If you haven’t picked up on the picture I’m trying to paint in my overwhelmed, white-blood-cell-driven state, then let me just tell you: I am only one person. I can’t be with three different people every second of the day, and I wouldn’t want to, either. There are a million ways for germs to spread, and in my house, that pretty much makes it three million. So I ask you, how can we avoid it? One person gets something, and then the whole house is weakened. With the immune system down, another [healthy] child brings home some kind of germ and the weakened child gets it. Next thing I know, I am living surround sound cough attacks. After weeks of coughing, hacking, phlegm everywhere, boxes of used tissues, wiping off puke from sweaty faces, holding shaking bodies, reducing 103 temperatures, trips to the doctor and pharmacy, pneumonia, being awakened in the night countless times for a myriad of reasons and non-stop fighting between the youngest two, and I am about to lose it.
So here I sit on New Year’s Eve, frustrated as I type with all the coughing shorties behind me watching Over the Hedge (and still fighting) and wonder if we should quarantine ourselves until our systems are strong again. I wonder when that will be. Hopefully it’s before they put me in the loony bin.
sunday scribblings
Fast and Efficient Home Cleaning Guide
2 days ago
Oh.... I hope you feel better. Take some rest and take care of yourself.
Oh, I remember the days when the kids were little & dragged home every germ in the hemisphere. Hang in there because they get older & this phase passes.
Happy New Year!
Hang in there...poor thing!
Yes, Mama--we had some nasty flu here too...wishing you all back to health and wellness. (This too will pass!!!) Happy (healthy?) New Year!
I'm so sorry! I hope the new year will ring in a new and healthier you!
time to call in the super-nanny!! isn't just amazing that they have the energy to fight & puke at the same time?? :) sending you all healing prayers that this will be over soon...and wishing you healthy bodies (big and small) for the year to come!!
Eat more chocolate? Sorry! Happy New Year!
Ahhh...good times. I'm laughing but only because I myself have been there. I love the line about being with three people every second of the day and who would want to? Amen sista', Amen.
Poor girl. We are sickies too. It is no fun. I am having a hard time staying sane with one nostril permanatly blocked as well.
OMG- i am SO with you. and not used to 3.5 year old started school in the fall, and we've been mildly (and not-so-mildly) sick since! before that, my kids were NEVER sick. i was never a germ freaky person, but lately i'm all "don't lick the grocery cart!" and "maybe you shouldn't eat your boogers!"
i totally hear you.
i'm sorry you're sick. but at least you won't be in the loony bin alone :)
Hope you survived the evening. Have a nice 2007...
I am a little relieved bc after watching your DVD I was beside myself with how perfect your life looks! I mean, I know better than to believe anyone lives a perfect life--but yours sure looks it on TV! Sorry about the sickness--I understand all too well and we've only got one shorty. You had better believe in about a month I will be sneaking into the nursery now and then with some clorox!
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