O swear not by the moon,
th'inconstant moon
That monthly changes
in her circled orb
-Juliet (Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet)
Why should something so miraculous as the cycle of the moon effect something so potentially miraculous as a woman's cycle? It truely is miraculous that a body has the potential of concieving and growing a person within itself. One of the pieces of the miracle that I don't understand is why the whole process has to be so difficult, regardless of whether or not one is pregnant. There are those who are not pregnant who have to endure an endless barage of hormones that can cause one to act in a way that is as if one is posessed of a devil. (which is what I am currently experiencing) There are those of us who are pregnant and are experiencing the miracle of life, but with all kinds of side effects. (which I have experenced three separate and miserable times, which also causes a barage a hormones and makes one (meaning ME) to act like the devil for nine months straight.) (By the way, if you are one who experiences the miracle without the side effects, you should probably think about having a very large family--you are experiencing a double miracle!) There are those who are awaiting the miracle and mourne the loss with every cycle of the moon.
If there is wisdom in the inconstant cycles that toss us to and fro, please write them in my comment section, women of the blogiverse.
I once heard that we, as women, have the highest opportunity for evolving into more concious beings because we have the opportunity each month to face our inner demons (aka our hormones). I like this idea (not that I always take this opportunity) but it sure helps to feel like there may be a purpose anyway. As painful as it may be at times, I'd take being a woman and having this mysterious link to the moon any day. We are the vessel of life and I feel honored and blessed to be a woman!!
This picture is gorgeous--let me just say that right away! I am just gentle with myself, knowing what I do about my hormonal tides and the moon. I actually refer to it as my "moontime" with my daughter--and wear a crescent moon ring every month only at that time, which I will give to her when she begins her cycles. For me, the shifts don't make me a "devil"--except for post-partum, when I had major issues. I guess I can count myself as "lucky", but I'd have to stay pregnant forever to dodge what came after for me, and as you well know, that wouldn't be so "lucky" at all! Keep taking photos of the moon like that, will you? Just beautiful...
mmm, these commments are already making me feel a little better. I should think of it more like a test and be a little more gentle with myself during that time. I like the idea of having a ritual, esecially something I can pass on to my daughters. Something with a littel meaning and some symbolism and a secret sign to those I live with to warn them what could happen if they aren't gentle with me, too. :) I'm going to give this further thought....
oooo, I just loooOOOoooOOOOooove my new camera. I will keep taking pictures of the moon and anything else I can. I'll post more of them soon:)
Just had to bring something shallow to the table...
"You must be PMSing pretty hard..."
-Dwight Shrute
Ah, it is nice being exempt from the cycles for a while. Of course I have milk coming out my breasts and I wake all hours of the night - so maybe it's sixes?
No wisdom here friend - too few brain cells I guess.
I don't see the moon cycle as being inconstant. In my mind it is SO constant, and so feminine! (Once a month it is renewed). There is such great symbolism there. Check this out:
"The lunar cycle (moon phases) repeats with a period of 29.5 days. This is called a synodic period. Synodic comes from the Greek words meaning journey together, referring to the sun and moons positions with respect to each other."
I just really like the word blogiverse. I don't understand anything about cycles though. Just that it's a miracle and that I had a double miracle with a fairly lovely pregnancy and birth. The first couple weeks after birth however... I was LOST!
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