Here is an idea that my sister gave me--I'm always in need of cute ideas, so I thought I'd pass it on...
I was stuck for a teacher gift for my daughter's teacher--she was the best! One of those teachers that deserves a million bucks. So nothing was good enough (since I don't have a million bucks) and I couldn't get past it. It was the last day of school and I had 2 hours to find a giftand the littles and I were still all salty & sandy from the beach, so I stopped worrying about a million bucks and perfection and Krista helped me come up with this: a summer refresher--time to go home and relax! A couple books I've enjoyed (I wish I could have filled it with at least ten!) {don't all teachers love to read?} and some sodas. I was going to put it in a galvanized tin bucket thingy, but I couldn't find one in time (stupid stupid procrastination!) Add some ribbons (I was going to put Hershey Kisses in, but I just realized I forgot to open them and pour them in. sigh.), a little fun, a big hug and a few tears while saying "thank you, thank you, thank you, you made such difference" and I think she knew that we love her.
How To Prepare For A Home Inspection
2 days ago
Beautiful! What a lucky teacher to recieve such a cute basket. I understand what's it's like to have a phenomenal teacher. How do you choose a gift that expresses so much gratitude? Yours is a gorgeous sentiment.
love you,
Man, I wish we were neighbors. Maybe some of your talent could rub off on me through osmosis. You're my hero :)
It turned out so great. You know, we really do make a great team!
Thank you from all the teachers for doing that! Teachers work SOOO hard and they definantly deserve a million bucks, but your gesture was worth more than the million bucks. I am sure Mrs. Lawler will never forget your gift. Have a good summer!
What a cute gift. I'm totally going to steal that idea!
Um hello! That is the cutest thing EVER! I want one too! I have an idea, why don't you drive out and pick up Tori, then you two bring me one of those baskets at MY coast (the pacific one) tomorrow! Ok, I'll be waiting.
I'm stealing it too but I'm sure mine won't be as cute. I bet this was her best one (gift I mean)!!
i love this idea! thanks for sharing :) your gift looks so juicy and fun...lucky teacher.
as a teacher, i am definitely drawn to this post. what a wonderful gift... i wish i had gotten one!
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