Friday, August 31, 2007

grateful friday


I have gotten so much done this week! There is going to be a wedding here in two weeks of two beautiful people who share such a deep love. What a motivator to get some stuff done around the house that I have been meaning to do for ages. The sucking of the septic (yuck! I still smell poop!), the painting of the walls, the watering of the grass and gardens, the sewing of the fabric that I’ve had for months… And today, I’m getting into it with a chisel and some tiles!

first day of 3rd grade

School has started. My girl did much better this year with the first day. Yes, I still offered her Tums, but she was functioning close to normal, and when she got home, she was on cloud 9. She had a wonderful day of THIRD GRADE. (Holy cow, how did that happen? I have 3rd grader.) The next morning she was in the kitchen singing “I’m not even sca-aared! I’m not even scared!” and doing a little jig. And next week #2 starts kindergarten, and there will be no holding him back. The kid is rearing to learn and grow and experiment with life. (Maybe you think that should scare me, but it makes me excited to learn and grow and experiment with life. He seems to bring me back to life in ways that I didn’t know I needed life breathed into me again.) And the week after that #3 starts preschool and I will have 2 mornings a week to create things in my studio by myself. {Insert heavenly choir and rays of golden light here} Is this selfish of me? I don’t know. It could be argued either way, I suppose, but I can’t wait for my two mornings a week.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh...I have a baby and I am already counting down until they are all in school. Selfish? Huh? Um, being a mother of little people is the most selfless thing in the world. You live up those two mornings a week - for me. Go dance in the rain and drink tea in the hammock and surprise your husband at work and get your nails painted and put on extra makeup and get all dressed up and take pictures of yourself (oh that sounded dirty but you know what I mean). AND create in the studio, I guess.

Can't wait to see photos of the wedding!


Left-handed Trees... said...

Congrats on your girl flying through the new start of the year! I think the extra time will be such a gift to you...hmmm, a little bit of self care, how could that ever be selfish?

Georgia said...

That is SO not selfish... unless I am selfish as well. I am counting down the days till my 2 youngest are in school... 3 years and they are ALL in school... 3 years... What in the WORLD will I do with myself?


Paige said...

Hobbies are not selfish. They make you a better mom and wife and person.
I want more pics of your gardens! I'll send you pics of my weeds. BTW, I only have 4 kids but looks like more b/c there's always tons of cousins- 7 year old Sol, 5 year old girl twins Fiona and Charlotte, 2 year old perfect baby girl Beatrice

Dini said...

Congrats on having two mornings to yourself pretty soon! I can only dream about that for now. It will be a few more years until I get that alone time. Enjoy it! And your little girl is precious! Good for her for not being scared on the first day. That is huge!

Kara said...

Seriously, you think that's selfish? No way, it's like a right of how you can complain all you want when you're pregnant!