Monday, January 21, 2008



Here’s my little guy with his buddy doing juicing experiments. I’m pretty sure these are carrot/pear/apple with a touch of spinach for the ew factor. They painstakingly juiced each into separate cups and tried each one individually and then mixed them together.

A direct quote: WWOOOO! {Shake of the head}…it’s like…{smack of the lips} wow.

A shout out to my girl Lucky Candice—check out her blog sometime. She’s started writing parts of her life story. And just so you have my opinion on the matter (since this is my blog, after all) she is one of the most inspiring people I know. She has been through some of the most difficult things I can imagine, and yet she chooses every day to break the cycle, to forgive, to live a life full of love. The first day that I met her we were supposed to tell the group something interesting about ourselves. I can’t imagine how boring I sounded when the girl sitting next to me said, “My name was Sissy _____ until I was six years old when I was adopted.” Um…tell me more. And we’ve been tight ever since.


Jamie said...

I love the pictures of Isaac. I still need to see a picture of him with his faux hawk. Cal has had one for a year or so and he was so excited when I told him Isaac was getting one. Please post a picture if you can!!!
Can't wait to see you in March!

Kara said...

Was it the juice that made him so sick? Poor guy, hope he's getting better. Ive been totally enthralled by Candice's life story. I want her to right a book so I can put it on my 'must read' list!

calibosmom said...

Do you have a juicer? I'm deciding if I want to get one and if we would even use it.
Candice is my new inspiration! She's an amazing person.

MiandMiksmom said...

The picture is fabulous and I love how fun that must have been for them to EXPERIMENT! Mmmmm, I want some! I bet it was...Wow!

And yes, Candice is quite the amazing girl. I check her blog every morning just hoping that she has updated it. She has chosen to break the cycle...and then some, because she is the greatest!

Wendy said...

I thought you were going to make us guess which one was Isaac in the photo since they look so much alike. And I will go check out Candice's blog, she does sound intriguing.

Wendy said...

P.S. I'm pretty sure he's the one on the right.

Anonymous said...

Thanks lady. And congrats on the juicer! Fun, no?


Kathleen said...

love this photo!