Weeks pregnant: 27.5
Pounds gained: 40 yikes!
Number of people growing inside me: 2
Weeks to go until scheduled C-section: 9.5
Average time I go to bed: 8:00 pm
Number of names on my list: 34 (constantly being edited and rotated, and no, I won’t share them at this time.)
Last time I shaved my legs: 6-8 weeks ago
Contractions: almost constant
Projected date to go on bed rest: unknown (a common question I get asked)
Chance of girls being fraternal: high
Recommended daily caloric intake: 3,000 holy cow!
Recommended weight gain: 40-60 lbs heaven help me.
Preemie jammies I have so far: 3 for each baby (twin mom advice here?)
Number of cribs set up in the nursery: 0 (1 is leaning against the wall, missing all its hardware)
Car choices that will fit a family of seven: yet to be determined
Pains per day: too many to count
Reasons to be thankful: too many to count
Pains per day: too many to count
Reasons to be thankful: too many to count
It just makes me so excited! I hope that you occasionally feel as comfortable as possible!
thank you for the stats beautiful mama! it's fun to see your belly now, as compared to your belly in september.
take good care. xo
What a wonderful post...cute! Twins how fun! Take care hun!
gorgeous belly!
thank you for sharing!
so excited for you. hee!
WHAT A COINCIDENCE!! i haven't shaved my legs in 6-8 weeks either. mostly because it's hard for you to comfortably reach down like that with your preggo-twins belly. i mean, seriously.
whaaaat? so i'm not pregnant. we can still share excuses, right?
I LOVE this picture! So cute. Sounds like you are doing awesome! Do you actually count your calories? I never did!
I gained 75 lbs with my twins, and have lost every bit! So keep going, the goal is to make BIG healthy babies :)
About the jammies- I never needed preemie ones, my twins were HUGE. So don't stack up on preemie stuff just yet. My boys are spit-up nasty babies, so I go through 14 jammies a week (and maybe 50 outfits a week). But your girls may be totally different.
Did you join a twin club in your area? My twin club here has a preemie closet for moms to borrow, a twin nursing pillow (A MUST have) and all sorts of good stuff on loan! Try to find one!
Keep going brittany! You are doing great.
Honda Pilot - I love mine and it seats 8. Think about it and let me know if you have questions about it's features, etc.
Love you - you are beautiful!
the photo is splendid....stats, totally realistic & crazy. Best part is healthy babies, never worry about the "projected gains". That's for later. Right now your making 2 humans into perfection. It takes resources. As far as cars....it's complicated. I had to get a suburban, I could fit all the bodies but none of the sutff. How do you get groceries when the back is full of stroller? If you can....I did get to test drive a Land Rover Discovery, loved it. Flipped to rearrange easy & made a perfectly flat back to change diapers on. No matter what....the aches are HUGE, time is challenged but the is the easiest time of being a mother of twins :)
My doc gave me a hard time about much I've gained in this pregnancy and told me to "take it easy" over thanksgiving. haha. whatever!!! I think I'm up to 40 pounds and I only have ONE!! Since we're due around the same time, we'll have to motivate each other to start running again. Just don't invite Kara in our challenges ... she'll kick our butts :) You look beautiful. Oh, and not sure if you are anti-minivan or not, but we love our Honda Odyssey.
So exciting! I don't know how many jammies they will need b/c you won't know if you have a barfer 'til they get here. Send family out to get the preemie clothes once they are here. It's a really fun errand.
Reading everyone's comments is almost as fun as reading your post. I can't wait to see the little twinsies!
P.S. are you wearing a pointy Madonna bra or what?
hey! you look beautiful. and i just loved this post so much. it inspired me to do my own (snarky) one :)
Lookin' good, mama!
Don't worry about the weight gain. I gained 90lbs w/my twin pg and have lost every bit of it.
You may not need the preemie jammies, so I wouldn't start stocking up on those. I have known women to deliver 6-7lb twins. Plus, it's something you can easily buy later if you need to. My two were born at 34w, so they wore them. But, they very quickly grew out of them.
Remember to rest as often as you can (ha!). Drink lots and lots of water, lay on your left side, etc. All things I'm sure you've heard already.
Oh, and if you're lookin' for a minivan, we love, love our Hyundai Entourage.
Oooh i want to rub and hug your belly :)
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