I have a goal to be a better Visting Teacher. Since part of that goal is to make sure to give my girls an actual piece of the lesson, I am going to make little quotes for them. (Hi, my girls—I bet a couple of you will read this…) I thought since there are fellow VTers who stop by here from time to time I would share with you, too. Feel free to print the quotes off (preferably on cardstock;) for your girls if you feel so inclined.
if there is a better way to do this, please someone fill me in. I bet there's some kind of file that is super easy to download and print...
I chose this quote because it hit me that I’m not involved enough in my community and that is a cryin’ shame. There’s still time for me yet! It’s like a little kick in the pants, so to speak, that good people DO something. They take action when there is something lacking in the world around them. Maybe I can take baby steps this year and work toward being “a blessing to others, to my nation, to the world.”
For those of us (me) who need some tips and inpiration, what are some of your favorite things to do for your sisters?
one of my FAVORITE things to do is to actually remember and make the visit.
seriously. i feel so proud when i remember to do stuff. it's all the warm fuzzy i really need.
Beautiful and well done! Thanks so much!
see, andrea, that's part of my problem--actually getting the VISIT in. I can do the drop-off thing for the most part, but even that is pushing it for me...
It is also interesting that this quote is from a man native to your area. Bob Wood was Bishop in Newport Ward, Stake President in the Hingham Stake (where I was his counselor), Area Authority in New England and now a General Authority. He's also my good friend and I'm having dinner with him and his wife in SLC on Sunday night. Your dad.
totally just stole this.
and i love your dad's comment. ;-D
Just to reminisce with your dad a bit. . . Elder Wood was an area Seventy in the northeast, and oddly enough, I was still in the same area as a missionary. So whenever he would visit the Montreal mission, he would always have a chat with me and update me on my family and the stake. The other missionaries thought it was cool that my most vivid memory of Elder Wood was at a super Saturday when he danced the Charleston with his daughter Rachael.
When did Elder Wood say this?
LOL...I'm glad your dad pointed that out. I was just talking with my brother, Mark, about the Woods and I love that of all the people who's quotes you chose, it would be HIS :o). So sweet.
by the way, LOVE all the baby pics. I had all mine one at a time, but I get the same question "How do you do it?" I occasionally ask back...So which ones would you suggest I not care for, comfort, love or support. Mostly, I just say the small amout of extra food, laundry, and noise is MORE then compensated for by the extra love, silliness, and fun.
Your family is BEE-U-TEE-FULLLL!
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