My mom has the best macro lens. I have fallen in love with it. I keep stealing it and putting it on my camera when she's not looking:)

This morning the light was beautiful (as it is most mornings) and everything was still covered in dew, so I went outside to snap some pictures.

I have been trying to learn how to use my camera better and it is so exciting to get a great picture on purpose. (some times I get a great picture and I don't know how it happened.) It makes me giddy. I realize that I have a lot to learn still, but I love learning.

I decided to start a new journaling project. I don't know if project 365 was intended to be a journaling project, but that's what I'm using it as. I have been enjoying the way it makes me think about picking up my camera to capture a visual journal entry for the day. One picture a day for a year. (You can take as many pictures as you want, but you can only choose one a day to submit.) I hear that people get behind (which I'm sure I will) and that after a while you feel like you don't have anything to take pictures of (I can't imagine that ever happening). So it should be a challenge.

is anyone else glad that c jane is back? I almost cried when I saw that she had a new post and then I almost cried again reading it:)
You act as if the equipment is what produces such great pictures. Your eye catches things that others don't. You see light, shadow, texture and color in a different way and you make them work together by capturing them in sometimes perfect, other times unlikely but stunning marriages. I love you for that. The brush maybe the fanciest but its only a tool for projecting the artist's mind. But you know all that, I just love your pictures...
aaawe, thanks, Love. that almost made me cry. I must be in a crying mood. I love you. you're the sweetest.
i feel like i'm intruding here on your couples moment.
i was just gonna say how beautiful your shots are. and that i miss your mom. i love her.
Ooh, I love those shots! Lens or no, you have an eye for magic!
Yeahhhh...what Jake said. Couldna said it better myself. No how, no way. He's a good man and you are one heckuvan incredible photographer/artist/designer. No doubt about it.
How long is your mom in town? I may have to borrow her macro too. I really want my own but I think I'll have to wait until Christmas. :( Flowers are my favorite. I think I may steal your photo journal idea too. Maybe we should start a photo sharing Enrichment class.
Wow - that's quite a lovely (and public) expression of admiration by the hubby!
Britt - Love that first shot! I got some books from the library about my camera and started a camera journal. Took notes from the books and took notes from my camera's manual. It has helped so much!
Love you - Candice
these are so yummy. your husband said the PERFECT thing. how sweet. but inquiring minds do want to know, exactly what lens is it? ;-D
I think the most difficult part is having to only choose one photo for your 365 project.
The first few photos are magical! But you have always seen the fairies? xx
I know what my next lens will be!
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