(feel free to print this off for your personal visiting teaching pleasure. just click on it and it will take you to my flickr account...)
Isn’t this quote the berries? I simply love it. I have not EVER been a good student in the normal school setting. I always felt like a failure because of that. But here’s the thing I’ve figured out: you don’t have to be going to school to continue learning and receiving an education. I love that the church is always encouraging us to continue our education and tends to give us nudges to seek out learning. Not only spiritual learning (which is necessary for a balanced life in my experience), but secular learning as well.
And at this point in my life, I can say I have come to crave education. Although I still have difficulty with deadlines and retaining facts to spit them back out at the appropriate moment, I have realized that I love to find truth. I love the search of knowledge. I have started to appreciate that I may learn in a different way than lots of people, but when I am learning, I feel joy.
I love that this message works whether you are a scientist or an artist; a chef or a doctor; a mother or a daughter. Who ever you are, continue to learn. It is important to you as a person with passions and hobbies and relationships. It will help you in every facet of life. If you feel that prick of curiosity, indulge! Figure out the answers. Find truth. You’ll be happy you did.
Happy visiting,
more about this month's message here.
i like that quote. are you a teacher?
I know I don't comment all the time and tell you how much I enjoy your blog...but I do...oh, I do!!!! Thanks for your thoughts Britt!
HT: in the church I belong to, The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we have a women's organization called the Relief Society and all the women visit each other with a message once a month and if there is a need with the women we are assigned to, we help fill that need. It's called visiting teaching. I know that not everyone who reads my blog is a member of my church, but I think the monthly messages are uplifting and the women who are visiting teachers can use the quote for a handout on thier visits. was that too long of an explanation or not long enough? :)
H: thank you, cutie. we miss seeing you around here.
Hey Brittanica, you should go check out my blog. You're in a few of the pics. :)
Ok, you've convinced me, I NEED a macro lens :)
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