I was singing this song at the top of my lungs with Rufus and dancing with my girls and it made me think of my pregnancy. I know I must have mentioned my love for chocolate milk here before. That love was only intensified while pregnant. But did I ever mention that during my pregnancy with the twins I craved cigarettes? It’s true.
I’ve never smoked even one cigarette in my life. I had a couple boyfriends in high school that smoked and that’s the extent of my smoking experience. But you wouldn’t think so if you were in my body while I was preggers with dos bambinas. During previous pregnancies I was very put out with the whole smoking thing. I was very hormonal about it and took it personally any time I came upon someone whose smoke was getting in my personal breathing space. However, this time around, not only was I having dreams (DREAMS!) that I was hanging out of windows taking long, deep drags, but in reality when I walked out of a grocery store and smelled cigarette smoke, instinctively I started breathing deeply and walking toward the source.
I kid you not, my friends.
Not only that, but listen to this part. At some point during the pregnancy I got a cheap changing table and spray painted it. I don’t know what happened during that makeover, but for the rest of my pregnancy I daydreamed about spray painting something. My husband watched out for me and insisted that he do the touch up spray paint on said changing table and I pretended that I was grateful. Meanwhile I was white knuckling the counter top trying to control my desire to run to the garage and breathe in the fumes.
I remember a friend telling me once that she had great desires to lick granite and suck on stones while pregnant. Rocks. They seem like a harmless thing to crave.
This totally made me smile. Cigs? I'm glad you chose not to start smoking. But I think that is hilarious. Currently, I am HOOOOOOOKED on crushed ice...which is harmless (I think), and not very weird. But I get kind of weird about it. If I don't get some about 10 times a day I become a little desperate.
Pregnancy really is weird...with my own four pregnancies and the fact my entire social circle is pretty much mothers I thought I heard it all...cigarettes is a new one.
Your post always make me smile
ang--me and the ice too! last pregnancy. I was in the hospital A LOT and thier crushed ice was AWE.SOME. I got crazy addicted and my mother in law helped me smuggle cup fulls out of the hospital:) Pregnancy is so wierd.
Pregnancy sure messes with people. That is very strange but also very kinda funny :)
Funny! I know people who crave chalk (and eat it) and they aren't pregnant. My daughter eats dirt. We probably all crave something far out of our norm at least once.
that's so funny. I can only imagine:)
gross! haha, Just kidding. that is actually really funny.
I need to send you an email. My twins are 3, I am SOOO ready to be DONE having kids, but I feel like I need 1 more, but I am SOOoo NOT baby hungry.... bad dilemma..... oh, and what if I got prego with twins again, NOT good!!!
Love ya!
Weird! I can't imagine you smoking and I can't imagine you even wanting a cigarette. Funny stuff. I craved peanut butter, ice, cheese (oh my gosh cheese!), and wheat thins dunked in cottage cheese. Ewww.
near the end of my pregnancy i craved mcdonalds mc chicken sandwiches.
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