I wish that we could share our strengths. I mean really, really actually share them—like if one of you needed some faith, I could share what comes naturally to me. If one of us needed a little motivation, we could turn toward the people of action, and they would rub off on us. Some of are a little too fertile for our own good, and some of us are longing for that gift. What if we could actually share, like it was a chocolate chip cookie we possessed and just hand it right over, because we can always make more? What if when I suffered after my first was born, I could have taken the extra air and lust for life and understanding and peace and happiness from several of you, because I didn’t contain it myself. I could use a little more patience, and money management skills. One of you care to share?
I wish that I could travel in a way that was completely efficient. Like, when my sisters’ children are going to bed, I could just show up in their rooms across the country to kiss them goodnight, or show up to welcome my new nephews into the world. Or when my brother needed some cheering on the sidelines, my family and I could just summon ourselves to Arizona with our homemade signs and loud voices. Like yesterday, when my mom had a very successful garden tour, I would’ve shown up in California for the day to wander the many gardens that inspire her and tell her how proud I am of her. What if I could’ve shown up on the green in Scotland while my dad took that swing and I would be holding my breath, right on the sideline, hoping that his little white ball ended up in the right place. I wish I could visit my family on the important days, and the days that nothing important happens, but life is being lived. I’m sad that they live it without me by their literal side.
I wish for a cleaning lady, pool boy and personal chef. (Is that politically correct?)
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Oh, I love your wishes! What a fabulous, fabulous thought--to share our strengths...YES!! (P.S. Who cares if #3 is PC...we all want those things...ha!) :)
I love your thought of "sharing our strengths, passing them around like a chocolate chip cookie because we can always make more" - Yes! Here's some patience - oh! thanks for the organizational skills!
Can I borrow your cleaning lady and pool boy?
Great, great wishes, especially the sharing one. It's something I've wished for without realizing it until you pointed it out!
What an amazing wish, the first one! I imagine us being able to put a little dose of this, or that, into tiny precious containers and passing them on to those in need, no fee, not even gratitude expected in return. Just giving a little of what I have in excess and you don't. Marvellous.
Your second wish reminds me of a longstanding fascination I have had with "beaming" from Star Trek. I am convinced that one day it will be possible. Scientists have already transported a ray of light from one place to another. Many people say it is impossible to do the same with human cells but I say that is only because right now we don't know HOW. Just think a few hundred years back, would people have believed that one day we would be flying across the skies in huge tin boxes? They would have considered you crazy. Yet aviation has changed the way we travel forever.
Wonderfully thoughtful and thought provoking wishes.
You wishes whisked me away into a place of dreaming. Thanks for sharing them...
oh, your family sounds fascinating!
Gardening in Cali, Sports in Arizona and Golf in Scotland?
Do share...
i so relate to #1 & #2.
wonderful choices for wishes.
What a fantastic idea for your first wish. I just hope it comes true, it's just so good. And your piece was well written too. I enjoyed reading it.
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