I haven't had time to finish the girls' nursery, but somehow it will get done, I'm sure. But again, with the birds in mind, here is the start...

To see Lisa Occihipinti's work click here

Our Christmas tree (which isn't done either, but that's okay) this year is bird friendly. When Christmas is over, it will feed the birds...
Speaking of birds, we are not saints when it comes to family scripture study. It’s something that I keep feeling guilty about, because it’s not happening as often as it should. (Raised as a good Mormon girl, remember?) But yesterday I decided to try again. When we do read scriptures as a family, I tend to ask the kids questions to make sure they are following (it’s like another language sometimes). Where we were reading, the people were getting ready for a long journey across the ocean. They set snares for the fowls of the air and brought all kinds of stuff with them (even swarms of bees!). I asked, “What are ‘fowls of the air’?” and my 9 year old said, “umm…bad smells?” All I could do was laugh and Jake said, “well, if that’s what they are, then I doubt they’d want to set snares for them and take them with them on their journey.”
Here I thought it would be hard, but I’ve been laughing all day about all our jokes regarding “fouls” of the air that came from reading together. That'll teach me:)
I've been having a hard time keeping up with everyone, but know that I'm thinking of you and grateful that you're in my life! Happy nesting to you. xx
Gorgeous.... all of it. You amaze me. Hang in there.
do you have any fears about the bugs in the little nest from your forsythia bush? if not, i have some i could lend you.
The nursery is so soft and peaceful and beautiful, I want to be swaddled and put to bed in a crib under those adorable balls of yarn. And I love the fruit on the tree, so citrusy and beautious.
Oh my creative little friend - I just love you. I'm such a bad friend that I didn't even know you were on bedrest or that you are having constant contractions. I hope those little babies just hang in there as long as they can.
What loveliness all around! I saw this and it reminded me of you:
Can't wait for the two turtledoves to arrive!
Is there room for me in that nursery? So pretty!!!
i am helping my sis plan her wedding and birds, nests, etc. are in! :) have you looked at sarahjanestudios for prints? i thought she had a bird one...
wow, the nursery is coming along very well. The balls of yarn - what a fantastic idea. I love the tree branch holding the curtains, is that a real tree branch??? When I see what you are building in the room I feel peaceful, and comforted- perfect for 2 new babies! Hope you are not going too crazy on bedrest.
everything looks beautiful....and rest you little baby oven you...rest !!
Neat! I love the branches for your window treatments...
what a sweet, sweet room for your little ones.
i hope you are feeling well and taking the advice from the others about RESTING.
hee...that rhymes with nesting.
I love that in your time of being forced to bed, you've enjoyed the opportunity to watch the birds and know the beauties of your bushes were vanishing for worthwhile reasons. I absolutely LOVE your creative flair. You are a great blessing and inspiration to your family, and the rest of us you share all of this with. Thank you.
The girl's room is coming together beautifully. Love the book mobile and the branches over the window.
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