OK! Well Facebook has been good (if I added you as a friend you can catch up on drama there) but it is limited and sometimes frustrating with updates so this going to be the preferred method of updates now for my superhero. This is Britt’s hubby, Jake, Jacob, JOACOB (visitor badge spelling), deflector, deflator, apologizer, empathizer, lecturer, interpreter, censor, catheter adjuster, hand squeezer, leg roller, and lastly, very poor psychologist. So as of 8:30 am she is stable, little contractions but not enough to change anything. No exam yet today but she last measured 6cm, 70-80% effaced, not much change. They pulled her off everything yesterday afternoon and sent her up a few floors, where people go when they are not actively progressing in labor. We finished with the nurse at midnight and slept for five hours. Britt woke up with a couple of good contractions, her blood pressure was up so they sent her back down here to labor and delivery. Contractions are gone blood pressure is fine now but they put another IV in her hand, she’s all poked up. She has mild preeclampsia but not enough for them to induce yet. The doctors (6) came in and asked the wrong question: “How do you feel”, I sat back in my chair and said “here goes”. She behaved herself but was pretty firm with them. They are in discussions now and will come back after labs and another exam with any directions. We went in to our local hospital Monday night with big labor pains. She continued to progress through the night and in the morning they had seen enough progression to send her to Boston where she can have a full NICU at the ready for the twins. She is 35wks on Saturday so still early but pre 35 wks its automatic to the NICU for a long stay after 35 wks its case by case. She got an ambulance ride with sirens and lights and horn honking in Boston morning rush hour traffic. Labor continued and we were very excited and ready to go. All the teams were ready for babies and mom. And then everything just stopped and stabilized. Britt was heart broken. It’s like running a marathon and getting to within 10 feet of the finish line and someone picks you up and puts you on a treadmill. You work just as hard and your emotions are 100% capacity but you are not making any progress to that finish line. So the babies are happy and healthy kicking and strong heart beats, Britt is trying to endure, not so smiley but doing amazing in spite of everything she is going through. She got a shower just before she came back down to L&D and they were waiting at the bathroom door with a stretcher. She said I’ve waited long enough they can wait for me to brush my hair a few times. Feisty capable. Comments are hoped for. You’re all up to speed. I’ll try to keep updated with smaller entries. We love you all and are so thankful for everything you’re doing, family wise with children care and keeping three exited, pensive, emotional children stable and routine, providing meals all along the way for sanity and nourishment, prayers and faith, relieving many of my ecclesiastical burdens, taking on my responsibilities at work and maintaining continuity, rooting for her and cheering her on as friends and patience with poor communication as sometimes we just need to not think about it. We love you all.
Yes, Brittany, you are my hero. You are amazing....
aw brit... you couldn't be anymore beautiful. you are so blessed with a great support system it sounds like. wish i could do more than leave a blog comment. :P
is it wrong for me to be jealous of you bc you're in boston? maybe now's not a good time to make that comment... hmmm...
as far as delivering those twins, in the immortal words of shrek, "better out than in, i always say."
hang in there.
I can't imagine the rollercoaster this has been for you Britt! And the disappointment.. oy! But hang in there, those girls are going to be here before you know it, and all of this will be the amazing, unbelievable birth story that you can hold over their heads for the rest of their lives!! ;) take care! xoxo
The babies will be here before you know it. Hang in there!!! Positive thoughts and prayers heading your way!
you are the very best momma in the whole wide world, dear friend!!!
stay strong, you're so very, very close!
sending love, love, love...
holding you, and yours, close in thought and prayer.
Hang in there Britt! You're doing so great. The best things come to those who wait ;)
tears are streaming down my face. i'm glad that you're still fiesty! know that i'm praying for you and thinking of you well, constantly. thank you so much for this update, it relieves my heart.
love to you!
We're making lots of wishes for you and the little babies. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
hugs hugs hugs,
Kat and Dan
p.s. You ROCK Brittany.
I don't think I have seen you more beautiful than you are right now! And keep up the fiestyness -- sometimes that is what the nurses and doctors need to see! We love you and miss you and know that you will be home in no time with those gorgeous little girls in toe!
Oh Britt, what do I say to someone who's in the middle of a rollercoaster ride, other than you are my hero and those babies will be here before you know it. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and remember, Heavenly Father knows what's best for the babies and you.
Jake - you're awesome. Thanks for being such a great husband to my little friend. I'll keep checking in on you guys - Thanks for the updates!
Hey Brittany - I just recently found your blog through Mary's (Wilson) blog. Congrats on the twins - that's awesome! If you happen to be at the Brigham, my husband (Ben Cramer) is on OB anesthesia this month. Good luck!
Shauna Leck Cramer
What a roller coaster ride - I really can't even imagine!! I think my new "mom" mantra is "This too shall pass". And for you...it's true also:) Can't wait to see pics of the beautiful little girls in there...if they are like most of us - they'll just take their own sweet time. What is it about girls? You guys are amazing - your family is blessed and we are praying for you!
Good luck and good vibes to you both!
Brittanica...oh my goodness friend!! You are going to have babies soon!! I think of you OFTEN and wish you and your little angels the best! I will keep checking in on you. Hi Jake!! Talk to you soon! Keep smilin!
You are truly amazing, what an inspiration for me! You have been so upbeat and positive through this whole experience. I know I wouldn't have been! I hoep this all ends for you soon, I can only imagine how frustrating it is for you. I have been on pins and needles waiting to hear so thanks Jake for the post. Now it is only a matter of time. We love you and can't wait for two more little ones to join us!
Hey Brittany, You are amazing! It must be hard to hang in there through all of this. As some of your other friends have said, this will all make a great story some day. Are you bored from waiting? Do you want a visitor? Let me know and I'll be there. I think the waiting is the worst part. I wanted to come up for your shower with Eric & Jen but I was so sick and did not want to transport one germ up to my northern, pregnant friend. Now, I am completely healthy! So, call if you want company 508-883-4551. I will be keeping tabs on you and sending lots of prayers. Love, Carrie
Thanks Jake, for the up date. I am not a facebook friend so I kept checking here! Brittany, you are doing a great JOB of growing those babies. Every minute in is good for them, being in the hospital is good for you cause they can watch you. Hang in there, you are doing a great work! You are in my Constant prayers! You and your family...Love, Teresa
In about 6 months to a year you will actually say "I would do it all again" (may sound crazy, but your girls will be SOOO adorable it is true)
Your the best, you look great in this pic and so much happier "Yes happier" than last night ;) I can't wait to see you again and those sweet little bundles of joy & Jakie of course :) I'm happy for you that they've induced - see you soon! Love Rachie
You are my hero! You are the best mommy in the whole wide world!!!!!! I love you,daddy and the babies sooooo much! -Anna
i love you mom! -isaac
oh my sister. I still regret not following my instincts at 11pm last night and buying a plane ticket on the spot. It was good to hear your voice today and gave me so much peace. I'm glad you gave em a piece of your mind. :)
Your body will be ok. You are the only one of us girls who could still take Caleb down even as an adult, so you are definitely strong enough for this :)
I love you.
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