Tuesday, September 8, 2009

blueberry island

happy people
taken by Jake with iphone...
just a note to say that this is the traditional first-day-of-camping breakfast in our family. The rest of the time Jake is a culinary outdoor cooking genius:)
Jake took the three older kids camping over the long weekend while I stayed home with the babies.

They had the greatest time.

This morning I found my 10 year old's camera and downloaded the pictures and realized that she had taken it with them.

These are some of my favorites.






if you would like to see the whole set, click here.
meanwhile at home, it was just us three.
trying cucumber
trying cucumber


jake said...

Corrections: Not sure on that culinary genius part and those are Painted turtles not snapping. The snapper we did see was a good 15 pounder and cured any desire for swimming and scared the kids half to death. Coyote howls and loons were at a reduced rate so I ordered some of those as well when I booked at Hotels.com...under the redneck section.

Unknown said...

oh, great. now I'm gonna hafta change the words on the picture and re-upload it and stuff;)

Jessa said...

I love turtles and cucumber eating cuties! And you, of course. :)

Anonymous said...

I just read a post by my sister and the first comment is by her husband correcting her. Geesh. Steve knows better than to ever correct me. For anything. At anytime.

ha ha NOT!

vanessa said...

Reading your blog wants me to have another kid.

You are in so much trouble ;)

Kara said...

Jealousy. 1.That you have such a great, secluded place to camp and a husband that is a culinary genius in the woods. 2.That you got to stay home! ha ha


Jaime said...

Were you in the canoes with us that one time at Girls' Camp (I think it was our third year), when everybody had their feet over the side in the water (Except me. I've always been cautious)? I remember Becky Sisson was there for sure---Anyway, everyone was splashing and having a good time--except me, the prude, who was warning of the dangers of snapping turtles. I remember just as Becky and others were saying, "Oh don't worry. It's fine." A snapping turtle rose to the surface about four feet away from the canoe (and everyone's feet!)

Were you there? Does anyone else remember that?

Ah, I just loved Girls' Camp!