Sunday, January 16, 2011

creative juice and color-your-own valentines

um, this was delicious.

I’ve had a lot of creative juice flowing lately. So much that I am annoyed with all the things getting in my way. Like sleeping and eating and bathing. Besides the fact that I have five children to take care of. I have been painting during nap time (any other time just doesn’t work—they all want to join in, and that just doesn’t work!), and in between all the rest of it, I’ve been carrying around yarn and hooks, cutting and ripping and sewing fabric (I have had a bunch of fabric set aside for at least five years thinking that I would like to make a quilt for our family room and I couldn’t wait any longer), drawing and journaling, making baby gifts for the next round of babies in my life, and I’m a little obsessed with the idea of “restyling”. I’ve always loved the idea of using what is available; non-consumerism, getting creative with decorations around the house, making what I can out of what I have, but the idea that it’s actually the trendy, “green” thing to do means that there are ideas flowing all over the place. Now that it’s hip and cool to re-use/up-cycle/alter/make-do/whatever you want to label it, the sky is the limit;) It also means that there are millions of ideas on the world wide web and it’s too much awesome-ness.

So of course I haven’t had time to do it all, but I’m bursting with readiness. And for every single thing I’ve started, I’ve had a bunch of inspirations. What’s a girl to do? How will there ever be enough time?

First things first: I have the first color-your-own valentines of the season for you. Click on it, print it out on card stock, have a color fest. I tried to keep them a bit more simple—last year they took forever to color in, but they were fun! They are still available here.

L is for love

I have lots of ideas still, so we’ll see which ones make it onto paper and into the scanner.

Happy creating, people!


1 comment:

Emma Jo said...

I love your color-me valentines. I look forward to them. I need me some ice cream.