Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I woke up today and realized that it is November!


I love November. Not only is it my birth month (let’s hear it for the Scorpios!), but it is the month that reminds me again and again to focus on my blessings. To celebrate the good and be thankful for it.



It is a month that feels like winding down. And if there’s anything I need right now, it is a winding down. I’m on a search for stillness.


Isn’t it funny how we search for the things that are missing from our lives at that moment? At other times in my life I would never have been on a search for stillness. But here I am, seeking peace in a big way.


It’s the great balancing act.


So while I have been guilty of having a bit of a downer attitude about the big snow storm that left us wanting for power and Halloween, I woke up today realizing that there was another side to it. Last night, in the stillness of candlelight, we happily ate our pumpkin pancakes and danced to softly playing classical music. I realized that I was grateful for the forced quiet. For the snow day that allowed us to catch up and enjoy each other. For the generator that kept us with running water and a way to cook food and stay warm. I was grateful (for the millionth time) for my genius of a husband who takes care of us continually.

Halloween Candlelight

And even though I wish I were here on my blog more often and acting on all of my creative impulses, I am thankful for the two whipper-snappers who make it impossible. And I am thankful for the understanding that the day will come that I will have more time to dedicate to that and when that day is here, I will feel grateful for the time I spent with my children, struggling for balance. Because surely they give to me and I give to them and after all is said and done, I will have learned stuff that I couldn’t have learned any other way.



jill nalette said...

very lovely and beautiful post! you have an amazing talent with taking photos. so while you haven't had time to do other forms of art work you still have photography and writing. two other wonderful forms of art work.
hugs and smiles~ jill

gather rose said...

well my favorit is summer its the best sizon every its rock. iM born in april 14 :P.
WEll a guy i love hes birthday was 28 october.
:D :D .

Diane said...

brilliantly said.

Anonymous said...

Ditto and Amen.