Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Self Portrait Challenge: Introduce Yourself


This is the last week of introductions at self portrait challenge. Next month we start with a new theme...

This is a picture I took of myself at an activity we had with the young women. I am a youth leader in my church, and we have activities every Wednesday night as a youth group. Just for fun, here's another picture from that night.


I have been teaching these girls for the past three years close to every Sunday, give or take some breaks here and there. I love to teach. I'm not always an effective teacher. I have talked about a myriad of topics with them and they are bright and promising and happy. They think deeply (the older they are, the deeper they get), and can apply the scriptures into thier daily lives. They live in a way that is different that a lot of thier peers. It takes strength and resolve to live in such a way. I have spent hours upon hours with them over the weeks, so introducing them kind of introduces me as well. They make me laugh. I am impressed with them. I love them.

more introductions here


boho girl said...

so amazing to see you here with them on the beach and read your endearing words.

i used to be a youth leader at my church. i miss those bonds. i learned a lot from them, even though i was the teacher.

now i can live vicariously through YOU.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... what church was that again?

Love ya!


Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.