Friday, June 2, 2006

Grateful Friday


This is a picture of my peonies. They are about to burst. It reminds me of my sisters—both are nesting and uncomfortable, and when they pop, I can’t wait to witness the flowers!!! Not too much longer, little ones…

-conversations with my family
-my garden
-cold cereal
-thunder and lightning
-tomorrow I get to go watch my little jump roper shine
-hugs from my boy (and I mean you, J)


boho girl said...

love seeing those buds...and hope to see the blossoms!!

have a wonderful weekend, my friend.


Anonymous said...

Hiya! I am totally into my little plot of flower garden right now. I go out and check on them twice a day and weed, water, etc... It's so fun! My dahlias just bloomed and it's so exciting!

Love ya - great photo!