While making my bed this morning, my 5 year old was laying on the floor, rolling around and thinking, apparently, because here’s a snippet of our conversation:
#3 when I am resurrected, will I still be mean to people?
me: you don’t want to be mean to people, right? Sometimes you just can’t help it?
#3: right.
me: well, if you are working on it, and you are trying to be nice to people, then I bet you can get it all figured out in this lifetime, sweetie.
#3: you haven’t gotten it figured out yet.
me: well, I’m not dead yet.
Later: I walk outside to get something and 4 girls are playing on the hammock. She falls off the back side while in mid swing, and I stop to listen if she is hurt, but instead she gives a little chuckle and says, “Well, I guess it serves me right after pushing Gillie off!”
if i only have until i die to get this all figured out, then i am in some serious trouble.
Love how their minds work!
I love it. That made me laugh. Having deep conversations with a kid are always...well, interesting.
Ethan and I were just having a conversation about the ice age. Then it turned into if dogs would ever become extinct. Of course they won't I say. But then he comes back with, well if they do then they'll come back in the resurrection. As I said, always interesting.
You make your bed in the morning? wow, I'm impressed! ;)
Hello Brittany. I believe we have met once or twice I am Krista's friend from Danville and I adore your blog. So many things you write about are things that are on my mind as well... like the judgmentalness post and the post a few down about learning. My thoughts match up and its just so mice to read it written eloquently.
Ha! I love it! Love a girl with a total sense of herself. so cute.
Very cute. Love when they "get it." Wat to get called on not getting it yet yourself, by the way. That cracked me up. Yesterday I cried to my hubby on the phone and got told by 4 yr old that I was being a bad example for him and Boo bc I was "whining." Nice.
That made me laugh! Kids say the most hilarious things. The other day, my 5 year old asked me something that totally stumped me. I felt so stupid because I couldn't think of ANYTHING to answer with. Their little minds are so curious.
Oh my gosh, that just made my day. I am laughing so hard. I just love that girl to pieces- even if she is a little feisty sometimes. (Remember- I have a few of those kind myself...) All the better- maybe she will actually make it through this crazy world in one piece!
That is hilarious.
You are such a good mom.
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