It's been a hard couple weeks.
Yesterday I cried. And then I prayed.
I was still crying. For the first time since they were born I was scared that I couldn't do it.
Then I prayed some more.

Then I called one of my besties. She's a twin mom, too.
She let me talk it all out and then gave me a nice pep talk along with some advice.
Then I felt empowered again.

Later, as I was making a play date for my son, I got talking to the mother of the boy coming to play. A woman I had never met. We talked about her disease and medical situation for 40 minutes and although she is a walking miracle that struggles with pain every moment of every day, her positive outlook and joy was contagious.

By the end of the day I was rejoicing in motherhood and feeling so blessed and lucky.
And I felt cared for by a loving God that answers my prayers.
Ah Britt...I'm sorry you've been having a tough time. I didn't know. Gotta appreciate those tender mercies that He sends to strengthen us and help us realize what we've got. I love you friend!
I am so sorry you have been having a hard time... dito over here! I thought it would get easier, but everyday it just gets harder and harder with these WILD boys! I feel a little lost, a lot overwhelmed, and feeling that I am never doing a good enough job. Work more, work less? Don't work and just stay home? I can't keep up with all the messes around here and the drama. It wears me out and makes me crash...
BUT- just like you I LOVE THEM! I kiss them all day and they make me smile. It is the best joy that comes out of the hardest job. And again, I feel so special that the Lord thought I could handle this... now that is a compliment!
De-lurking. I get to you through Paige and Celia's blogs. I'm having the same kind of weeks that you are right now. Lots of ho-hum and feeling down. But let me tell you when I saw your sequence of pictures today I just laughed right out loud. I had me a good laugh and then I cried a little from laughing. The pictures brought joy to my day and I don't even know the subjects. But the fact that they are adorable babies is enough for me. I WISH I had nothing to do all day but to get on all fours and see what is behind me through my legs. I love ruffle bums almost as much as I love babies. Thank you!
Brittanica...Don't be blue...I am POSITIVE that you are a fantastic mom and you can make it through anything!! Being a mom is SO hard sometimes...my oldest has developed quite a "smart" mouth, and I am trying my hardest not to pull my hair out!! I really enjoy reading your blog...the pictures of your babies make me laugh!! Especially the ones from this post. I am amazed that the little one in the white pants stays in the same position the entire time :) I miss you!!
Really, I am so sorry that it can be so hard but you do it so beautifully, really and truly. I too, love that she is in that same position while the other lady is moving. Love the ruffle bum too, and the stripey sweater. I want to play. I really must play with your little brood before we leave this coast.
i've had many a moment just like that and it's amazing how just talking to someone else in your shoes or not in your shoes at all but who listens with empathy or tells you their own story with trust can shuffle the day and bring our happier ending. glad you got yours!! you are blessed and lucky for sure!
yeah. i get it.
I have a feeling I will be the one calling YOU a year from now.... Hang in there gurlfren'...there are one heckuva lotta people who KNOW you CAN do it. You are blessed and you are lucky and you are loved.
i had one of these days yesterday (which i too vented about on my blog). the baby is snarfy and sick and does not want to be put down. e.v.e.r. it's all so imperfect, isn't it? hope to day is a brighter day {{{hugs}}}
You are very blessed....just take it one day at a time....
sometimes that's all there is.
you're an inspiration to me britt, truly. xx
Whatever you are going through I truly hope it gets better. Remember everything is cyclical. This too shall pass.
Also I love the baby headstands!
I have them happening in my house as well!
The bedroom party picture is so pretty with balloons and all!
Wow...I don't know how you do it with twins! I am completely fascinated with twins and how the moms do it all. One baby at a time is crazy...I cannot imagine two. Anyway, that's probably not helping. What I should say is that you'll have good days, not so good days, and great days. And when you look back over them all, it will all just look like a really good time. And you are awesome...cause you had two babies at once!...and they look sooooo happy!
I love that your pics of J&E show some of the best life advice in action:
Sometimes its good to stop and contemplate things from a different perspective; and sometimes its good to just keep moving forward.
You know I love you. :-)
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