Here is a brief (hahaha) list of some of the things that have happened in the past 4.5 months since I last posted.
· I took a little internet break, not just a blog break. I rarely got on my computer and I rarely picked up my camera. But I had my iphone with me the whole time. (Unless it was sitting in rice inside a baggie, drying out. Twice.) So I’ll use my instagram pictures. Because that’s how my life has been. Instant. What is right now? In front of me?

· Jake and I celebrated our 16 year anniversary.

· Someone turned 8 and got baptized.

· My mom got remarried to Bill.

· My dad got remarried to Therese.

· I was a leader at Girls Camp (and got to be my daughter’s leader, to boot).

· I took the kiddos to Phoenix to visit my sisters and their families

· We had a family reunion in Mexico

· We went to the beach lots

· We picked stuff

· School started again

- someone turned 40

· There was a birth in the family

· We had visitors again

· I attended squam

· We had more visitors

· There was creative energy

· There was beauty to be found

I know that even though that barely scratches the surface, it's a lot to throw into one post. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. It's part of survival of the fittest. And that, my friends is the biggest accomplishment: I've survived the past several months with 3 year-old twins at the caboose of my family. It's enough to drive me to an early grave. But if it does, friends, it will be because the love was simply too intense and I imploded with the stress of it all.
You've been missed...but that's all good stuff so it's OK.
glad to see you here again. :)
You have an amazing life - I love it!!
I stepped out of the blogsphere myself, it is nice to come back to your blog. Looks like you had yourself an amazing and busy summer! I can't believe your twins are 3!!! I really can't believe mine are 4 and that I had another babe!! What posessed me to do this again after twins? But 1 is SOOOOoooooo much easier, it is a breeeeze!
Wow, what a gorgeous post! What a full life :-)
You have such a beautiful life.
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